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Mamchuev Murat Osmanovich

Ph.D., Head of the Department of Fractional Calculus; in 1998 graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Karachay-Cherkess State Pedagogical University; an employee of the Institute since  1998; has published over 80 scientific papers including the monograph “Boundary value problems for equations and systems of partial differential equations of fractional order” Nalchik, 2013; since 2014 an expert in the scientific and technical sphere of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of KBSC RAS (2006), the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2013). Laureate of the Russian science foundation in the nomination “Candidates of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (2008).

List of major works for last 5 years:

  1. Mamchuev M.O. Boundary value problems for equations and systems of partial differential equations of fractional order. Nalchik: Publishing house KBNTs RAN, 2013. 200 p.
  2. Mamchuev M.O. Boundary value problem for system of partial differential equations of fractional order // Differential Equations, 2008, vol. 44, pp. 1674-1686.
  3. Mamchuev M.O. Fundamental solution to system of fractional order partial differential equations // Differential Equations. 2010, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1113-1124.
  4. Mamchuev M.O. Cauchy problem in nonlocal setting for system of fractional order partial differential equations // Differential Equations. 2012, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 351-358.
  5. Mamchuev M.O. Mixed problem for system of loaded equations with Riemann-Liouville derivatives // Matematicheskie zametki. 2015, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 428-439.
  6. Mamchuev M.O. Fundamental solution to loaded second-order parabolic equation with constant coefficients // Differential Equations. 2015, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 611-620.
  7. Mamchuev M.O. Modified Cauchy problem for loaded second-order parabolic equation with constant coefficients // Differential Equations. 2015, vol. 51, no. 9, pp. 1147-1153.
  8. Mamchuev M.O. Mixed problem for a system fractional order partial differential equations // Differential Equations. 2016, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 132-136.
  9. Mamchuev M.O. Solutions to basic boundary value problems for loaded second-order parabolic equation with constant coefficients // Differential Equations, 2016, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 811-819.
  10. Rekhviashvilli S.Sh., Mamchuev M.O., Mamchuev M.O. Model of diffusion-drift transport for charge carriers in fractal type layers // Physics of the Solid State. 2016, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 763-766.
  11. Mamchuev M.O. Solutions to main boundary value problems for the time-fractional telegraph equation by the Green function method // Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis. 2017, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 190-211.
  12. Mamchuev M.O. Boundary value problem for the time-fractional telegraph equation with Caputo derivatives // Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena (Special functions and analysis of PDEs). 2017, vol. 12, no. 3,  pp. 82-94.
  13. Mamchuev M.O. Nonlocal boundary value problem for a system of partial differential equations of fractional order // Mathematical notes of NEFU. 2019, vol. 26, no. 1.

Participating in grants:

  • RFBR project No. 06-01-96625 “Mathematical foundations of modeling in fractal media and their application to the description of physical, natural and socio-biological systems” (2006-2008);
  • RFBR project No. 09-01-96510 “Study of differential equations of fractional, segment and variable order and their application to modeling physical and biological processes” (2009-2011);
  • Project carried out under the DMS RAS program “Modern problems of theoretical mathematics”: “Mathematical foundations of modeling in fractal media and their application to the description of physical, natural and socio-biological systems” (2006-2008);
  • Project carried out under the DMS RAS program “Research of boundary value problems for differential equations of fractional, segment and variable order and their application to modeling natural and socio-biological systems” (2009-2011), (2011-2013);
  • International research project “Fractional derivative operators involving various special functions and applications of them at studying boundary-value problems for fractional order singular partial differential equations”, supported by the International Center for Mathematical Science (Edinburgh, UK, 2016);
  • ONIT RAS project No. 5 “Fundamental problems of physics and technology of epitaxial nanostructures and devices based on them” (2015-2017).
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