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Gadzova Luiza Khamidbievna

Researcher, Fractional Calculus Department, Ph.D.

At the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation since 2010, after graduating from the master’s degree at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov.

Research interests: boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations of fractional order.

List of major works for last 5 years:

  1. Gadzova L.Kh. On asymptotics of the fundamental solution to ordinary fractional differential equation with constant coefficients // Vestnik KRAUNC. Phys.-mat. science. 2016, no. 2 (13), pp. 7- 11.
  2. Gadzova L.Kh. Neumann problem for ordinary fractional differential equation // Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2016, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 22-30.
  3. Gadzova L.Kh. Nonlocal boundary value problem for an ordinary differential equation with an operator of discretely distributed differentiation // Bulletin of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017, no. 1(75), pp. 12-18.
  4. Gadzova L.Kh. A boundary value problem for a linear ordinary differential equation with discretely distributed fractional differentiation operator // Differential Equations. 2018, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 180- 186.
  5. Gadzova L.Kh. Boundary value problem with displacement for a linear ordinary differential equation with an operator of discretely distributed differentiation // Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovremen. mat. i ee prilozh. Topic. Obz., 149 (2018), pp. 25-30.
  6. Gadzova L.Kh. Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equation with discretely distributed fractional differentiation operator // Vestnik KRAUNC. Phys.-mat. science. 2018, no. 3(23), pp. 48- 56.
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