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By decision of the Mathematics and Mechanics Expert Council, Higher Attestation Commission, Russian Federation a dissertation work by M.G. Mazhgikhova was annotated in the Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission

On March 1, 2024 PhD thesis defense was held by M.G. Mazhgikhova, junior research fellow of the Fractional Calculus Department, IAMA, KBSC RAS. The presentation of the dissertation defense took place in Ufa.

Mazhgihova Madina Gumarovna received the academic degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences on June 24, 2024, as stated in the Order of the Higher Attestation Commission Commission (VAK) under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.The VAK Expert Council on Mathematics and Mechanics recognized the dissertation work “Boundary value problems for linear ordinary differential equations of fractional order with a delay argument” by M.G. Mazhgikhova as one of the best in the current year. The work was annotated in the Bulletin.

The scientific consultant is Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Arsen Vladimirovich Pskhu.

Congratulations to Madina Gumarovna and Arsen Vladimirovich on this important achievement and wish them further success!


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