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Karova Fatimat Aslanbievna

Junior Researcher, Computational Methods Department.

Graduated from the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Since 2015 is an employee of the Institute.

List of major works:

  1. Karova F.A. Stability and convergence of difference schemes approximating boundary value problems for Aller equation with fractional time derivative // Izvestiya KBSC RAN. 2015, no. 3 (65), pp. 33 – 40.
  2. Karova F.A. Difference methods for solving first boundary value problem for Aller equation of fractional order // Izvestiya KBSCs RAS. 2016, no. 6.
  3. Karova F.A. Numerical methods for Dirichlet boundary value problem for fractional Allers’ equation // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017, pp. 398-406.
  4. Karova F.A. Higher-order difference schemes for approximating Aller’s equation // Bulletin of KRAUNC, fiz.-mat. science. 2018, no. 4 (24), pp. 175-187.
  5. Karova F.A. A priori estimate for the solution to third boundary value problem for Aller’s equation  // Izvestiya KBNTSRAN. 2018, no. 6 (86), pp. 28-32.
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