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Lyutikova Larisa Adolfovna

Ph.D., Head of the Department of Neuroinformatics and Machine Learning; graduated from Moscow State University in 1992, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics; since 1998 is an employee of the Institute.

List of major publications:

  1. Sgurev V.V., Yotsov V.S., Lyutikova L.A., Timofeev A.V. Development and application of multivalued logics and intelligent network flows // Proceedings of SPIIRAS. 2004, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 257-265.
  2. Timofeev A.V., Lyutikova L.A. Development and application of multivalued logics and intelligent network flows // Proceedings of SPII RAS. 2005, issue 2, pp. 114-126.
  3. Timofeev A.V., Lyutikova L.A. The use of two-valued and multivalued predicate logic for database analysis // Reports of the Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2005, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 105-111.
  4. Lyutikova L.A. Modeling of knowledge bases in terms of multivalued predicate logic // Preprint – Nalchik, Research Institute of AMA KBSC RAS, 2006. 33 p.
  5. Lyutikova L.A. Multivalued and variable logic systems // Reports of the Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2007, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 114-115.
  6. Lyutikova L.A. Mathematical variable logic in simulating knowledge-based system // Bulletin of Samara State University. 2008, no. 6 (65),  pp. 20-28.
  7. Lyutikova L.A. On issue of predicate variable use for information formalizing in biosystems // Vestnik VSTU. 2008, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 98 – 102.
  8. Lyutikova L.A. Modeling and minimization of knowledge systems in terms of multivalued predicate logic // Dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation KBSC RAS. 2008. 113 p.
  9. Lyutikova L.A. On some properties of logical integral differential apparatus // Natural and technical sciences. M .: Sputnik +,  2011, no. 5, pp. 317-321.
  10. Lyutikova L.A. Expert systems and smart search. Lecture course. Nalchik, 2014. 78 p.
  11. Lyutikova L.A. Logical approach to diagnostics of complex technical objects state // ISTU Bulletin. 2014, no. 11 (94). pp. 12-14.
  12. Lyutikova L.A., Shmatova E.V. Logical correction for qualitative research of the subject area in recognition problems. // Cybernetics and Programming. 2015, no. 5, pp.120-127.
  13. Lyutikova L.A., Shmatova E.V. Logical analysis of corrective operations for effective recognition algorithm // Software products and systems. 2016, no. 1 (113), pp. 108-112.
  14. Lyutikova L.A., Shmatova E.V. Search for patterns in data using sigma-pi neural networks // Software systems and computational methods, no. 3, pp. 25-34.
  15. Lyutikova L.A. Logical algorithm building for detecting outliers // Modeling, optimization and information technologies. 2018, vol. 6, no. 4 (23), pp. 86-96. 
  16. Lyutikova L.A. Sigma-Pi Neural Networks: Error Correcting Methods // Procedia Computer Science. 2018, vol. 145, pp. 312-318.
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