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Research seminar 26/03/2025

Seminar on Modern Analysis, Informatics, and Physics

March 26, 2025, 11:00. IAMA conference hall, Seminar on Modern Analysis, Informatics, and Physics.

Speaker:  Rekhviashvili Sergo Shotovich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head of the Department of T&MPh (IAMA); Bukhurova Mareta Mukhamedovna, Senior Researcher, Department of T&MPh (IAMA).

Topic of the report:Adsorption based on interaction between silver nanoparticles and a silicon substrate“.

Head of the seminar: director of  IAMA KBSC RAS, PhD, Pskhu A.V.

Secretary of the seminar: senior researcher of the Department of Fractional Calculus IAMA KBSC RAS, PhD, Efendiev B.I.

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