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News and announcement

From March 13th to June 13th, 2024, in the IAMA KBSC RAS, as per the cooperation agreement between the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation and the Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov, in the frame of the educational program 8D05401 “Mathematics” a scientific internship was held for doctoral students Kamilla Izhanova, Saltanat Kopbalina, Alua Manat Manatkyzy.

Internship supervisor: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Arsen Vladimirovich Pskhu.

November 11, 2020, the second Russian-German scientific and educational virtual exhibition will be held, where Russian and German universities, scientific organizations and scientific foundations will present their joint programs, as well as answer all the questions online.

March 12, 2020, Head of the Department of Mixed Type Equations, Anatoly Khuseevich Attayev, candidate in Physics and Mathematics celebrated his anniversary.

March 3, 2020, the IAMA Research Seminar on topical problems of applied mathematics.
Topic name: Hydromechanical modeling of impulse impact on the geophysical massif
Speaker – K.N. Anakhaev, chief researcher, Department of Mathematical Modeling of Geophysical Processes, IAMA KBSC RAS.

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