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News and announcement

December 18, 2024, 11:00. IAMA conference hall, Seminar on Modern Analysis, Informatics, and Physics.

Speaker: Anakhaev Koshkinbai Nazirovich, Chief Researcher, Department of MMGP, IAMA KBSC RAS.

Topic of the report: “Mathematical modeling of the stability of a two-layer slope”.

Congratulations on the High Award! Madina Mazhgikhova was awarded the Presidential Prize

On November 22, 2024, Kazbek Kokov signed a decree on awarding the 2024 Kabardino-Balkarian Head’s Prizes in science and innovation for young scientists (November 22, 2024 No. 135-UG).

Among the winners Mazhgikhova Madina, Ph.D., junior researcher of the Department of Fractional Calculus, who was awarded for her contribution to Fractional Differential Equations with delay.

We wish Madina every success and renewable energy sources in her quest to continue moving forward and contributing to science! We also wish her good health, happiness and bright emotions!

Seminar on Modern Analysis, Informatics, and Physics

December 11, 2024, 11:00. IAMA conference hall, Seminar on Modern Analysis, Informatics, and Physics.

Speaker: Rita Berezgova, research intern, Department of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.

Topic of the report: “Mathematical modeling of heat transfer in a solid at high temperatures, in view of anharmonicity of vibrations in atoms”.

Seminar “Modern problems of mathematical physics”

December 11, 2024, 14:00. A joint seminar on Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics: The Institute of mathematics named after V.I. Romanovsky AS RUz and the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation KBSC RAS.

Speaker: Khashimov Abdukomil, Associate Professor, Department of Higher and applied Mathematics, TSUE, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Topic of the report: Analogue of the Saint-Venant principle and some of its applications.

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